You can contribute with gifts of cash, gifts of stock, and/or matching gifts.
To realize tax-savings benefits, please use the following schedule:
- All checks must be postmarked by December 31.
- Make your gift online by 10:00 p.m. EST on December 31.
- If you are transferring securities, shares must appear in our account by 4:00 p.m. EST on December 31.
Instructions for Gifts of Stocks
(For Mutual Fund transfers or wire transfers, please contact Severn Taylor at Collegiate School)
Please contact Severn Taylor, Development Office, to inform her that you will be making a stock gift.
Also for the purpose of the school’s audit, please forward either a letter or email stating:
- you will be making a gift of stock,
- how the stock gift will be made,
- the name and number of shares to be gifted, and
- the purpose of the gift.
Severn Taylor
Director of Annual Giving and Stewardship
Collegiate School
Fax (212) 812-8514
Please provide your broker with these delivery instructions for gifts of stock:
First Republic Securities Company LLC
Clearing Firm Name: Pershing LLC
DTC Number: 0443
Account Number: 33L140549
Account Name: Collegiate School
TX ID: 13-1634966
Broker Contact: Sam Schoner
(888) 825-8830
If you have any questions, please call the Collegiate School Development Office at (212) 812-8786.